Descriptions of Class Levels for TAC Summer School 2023

  A copy of the information can be downloaded at this link:

2023 Summer School Class Descriptions

Development/Fundamentals:  This course is for new and recent dancers or returning dancers, as well as anyone who is interested in really working on the basics of good feet, arms and hands, and good eye contact. Build your confidence and your knowledge of the central formations of Scottish country dancing.

Experienced:  This course is for dancers who have been dancing for 5+ years and have knowledge of most of the common formations [1] used in Scottish country dancing. Dancers can expect teachers to include step-practice and to explore aspects of good technique as part of the class.

Low impact:  This course is for dancers who have extensive experience in dancing and have sound knowledge of most of the formations [1,2] used in Scottish country dancing but who no longer wish to dance at the Challenge level. This course will incorporate low-impact techniques and will be suitable for anyone who is injured, needs to be careful, or is simply interested in exploring ways to keep dancing as long as possible.

Challenge:  This course is for dancers who perform at a high level and wish to be challenged further. This will be a physically demanding class requiring a good level of physical fitness. Dancers are expected to be familiar with both lists of formations [1,2] below.

  1. Common formations that dancers participating in the Experienced class should be familiar with:

All basic and regularly recurring formations and progressions including, but not limited to, the following examples:

  • Setting – set to corners, set to and turn corners, set to corners and partners (aka “hello and good-bye” setting), set and link, set and rotate, double triangles
  • Reels – reels of 3, reels of 4, mirror reels, cross-over reels
  • Rights and lefts, rights and lefts for three couples, grand chain
  • Poussette in quick time, poussette in strathspey time
  • Allemande for 2, for 3, for 4
  • Promenade for 2, for 3, progressive
  • Knot for 2, for 3
  • Rondel
  • Corner figures: turn corner-partner-corner-partner, corner chains, corners pass and turn
  • Ladies’ chain, men’s chain
  1. Less common formations and progressions that dancers in the Low-Impact and Challenge classes should be familiar with:


Chain Progression

Crown Triangles


La Baratte



