A list of the dances and cribs can be downloaded from this link:
A list of the dances and cribs can be downloaded from this link:
A list of the dances and cribs can be downloaded from this link:
A list of the dances and cribs can be downloaded from this link:
A list of the dances and cribs can be downloaded from this link:
A list of the dances and cribs can be downloaded from this link:
A list of the dances and cribs can be downloaded from this link:
TAC 2025 TCW & Summer School will be held at Bishop's University, Sherbrooke, Quebec
Preliminary Information
TCW - Friday, August 1 to Sunday, August 3, 2025
Summer School - Sunday, August 3 to Sunday, August 10, 2025
Youth pricing for dancers 35 and under will be available
Last year's registration options were well received and will be repeated this year
TCW Plus+ (August 1 – 5) – extends TCW through Tuesday lunch to include the first two
days of Summer School.
Summer School Half-week (August 5 – 10) – starts with Wednesday dinner and ends with Sunday breakfast.
We look forward to returning to Bishop's University in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada for the 2025 TAC Summer Events. This is our third visit to Bishop's and many will remember the beautiful campus, with lodging, dining, classes, and evening events all within easy walking distance. Details will be posted to the TAC website as they are finalised, but here is some information to help with your planning:
The staff:
We're delighted to include popular and outstanding teachers and musicians:
TCW Andrew Nolan from Edinburgh will be the guest teacher. He'll be joined by Music Director Gary Thomas
Summer School teaching staff includes Andrew Nolan, Rebecca Blackhall-Peters (BC), Linda Henderson (CA), and Cecily Selling (PA). Music Director Gary Thomas, on piano, will be joined by Ron Wallace on recorder, Lisa Doyle on fiddle, and Carol Vines on cello. They are all from CA and members of the band Flindrikin. Also playing for classes will be Alastair MacDonald, on accordion, Karen Steven on fiddle, and Don Wood, our always magical sound engineer. Photos and biographies of the staff appear as separate articles.
The venue:
Bishop's University is located at 2600 College St., Sherbrooke, QC, Canada J1M 1Z7 and can be reach by car from Montreal or points west. Further information on travel options will be posted soon.
Our accommodations are in two adjacent dormitories: Paterson and Munster.
Here is a link to directions and a campus map. https://www.ubishops.ca/contact-us/directions-and-maps/
The Art and Science of Devising Dance Programmes
Thank you to everyone who joined the Watch Party on Devising Dance Programmes held on February 1, 2025. A video recording of a talk given by Marjorie McLaughlin, a member of the San Diego Branch, at TAC Summer School in 2024 was presented at this event. She used a PowerPoint in her 2024 presentation that can be downloaded from this page.
The video of the 2025 presentation will be available soon on the TACTalk YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@teachersassociationofcanad3467
The TAC Education Committee was very pleased with the level of interest, and wants to share the information that Marjorie discussed during the presentation.
The PowerPoint presentation can be downloaded here The Art and Science of Devising Dance Programmes
The PDFs of the TACTalk articles can be downloaded from these links:
Bob Campbell - Let's Be Brief TACTalk V.5 No.3
Bob Campbell - Devising Dance Programmes TACTalk V.14 No.2
Geoffrey & Cecily Selling - The Right Words TACTalk V.18 No.2
Kent Smith - Notes on Planning SCD Programs TACTalk V.20 No.2
Peter Hastings - Devising Dance Programmes TACTalk V.23 No.2
Andy Imbrie - Dance Program Selection from the Musician's Point of View TACTalk V.26 No.3
Resources for finding dances, descriptions, cribs, diagrams, and videos are in the PowerPoint, but listed here for ready access:
- SCD Database https://my.strathspey.org/dd/
- Lots of tools to search by dance or devisor name, publication, dance type, # of bars, intensity, etc. Videos and music clips.
- Mobile SCD Cribs – Download from the Apple Store or Android Play Store
- Complements the Dance Database including uploading programmes to Mobile SCD Crib
- Campbell Tyler’s lists on the International Branch page
- https://www.rscds-ib.org/index.php?page=13
- You don’t have to be a member of the International Branch to access the lists
- The Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary https://www.scottish-country-dancing-dictionary.com/ https://www.scottish-country-dancing-dictionary.com/
- Cribs, videos, dictionary of Scottish country dance terms
On Saturday, November 16, 2024, the TAC Education Committee will host a Zoom forum led by Ron Wallace. This discussion will focus on “working with multiple skill levels in one class.” The forum starts Saturday afternoon at 12:00 PT, 1:00 MT, 2:00 CT, 3:00 ET, 4:00 AT, 4:30 NT.
One of the primary goals of the Education Committee is to set up a mentorship forum for dancers who have recently completed an RSCDS training program. TAC wants to connect with any teacher or instructor who has passed their Teaching Certificate Part 1 or Teaching Certificate Part 2 or received a Letter of Proficiency through the CTI program. The Education Committee is working on creating an opportunity to meet online where newer teachers and instructors can ask questions, share thoughts and ideas, and tap into the wisdom of more experienced teachers. Although this event is particularly focused on newly minted SCD teachers and instructors, all those teaching SCD are invited to attend.
The Zoom link is
The session will be recorded to be viewed later on the TAC YouTube channel.